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Welcome to Inner Peace Boram Yoga! 

Inner Peace Boram Yoga 는 18년 지도경력의 숙련된 한인 요가강사가 운영하는 전문 요가원으로 깊이있고 다양한 요가를 안내합니다. 

아쉬탕가 요가, 비크람 요가, 힐링 요가, 빈야사 요가, 하타 플로우 요가 등 다양한 요가 수업과 체계적인 프로그램을 통해 지친 몸과 마음에 깊은 이완과 휴식을 드리며 편안한 분위기에서 즐겁게 수련할 수 있는 환경을 제공하고 있습니다. 

모든 수업은 한국어가 메인으로 진행되며 상황에 따라 영어로 진행되기도 합니다. 

편안한 마음으로 오셔서 숙련된 요가강사와 함께 꾸준한 요가수련으로 몸의 안정과 마음의 평화를 얻으시길 바랍니다. 

평화롭고 행복한 당신의 에너지가 세상을 더욱 따듯하게 합니다. 

옴 샨띠, 샨띠, 샨띠. 

Inner Peace Boram Yoga is a professional yoga studio with a Korean yoga instructor who 18 years of teaching experience.  We guide you through in-depth and varied yoga practices. 

Ashtanga yoga ,Bikram yoga ,Healing yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Hatha flow yoga through various yoga classes and systematic programs, it provides a deep relaxation to the tired body and mind and provides an environment where you can enjoy training in a comfortable atmosphere.

The main language of the class is Korean. However, depending on the situation, it is also conducted in English.

Please feel free to come. I hope you gain body stability and peace of mind through steady yoga training with an experienced yoga instructor.

Your peaceful and happy energy warms the world even more.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. 

Main: 환영 인사


99% Practice, 1% Theory.  

Practice, practice, practice! 

Whole life is practice. 

“Practice and all is coming.”

요가는 수련과 명상, 호흡을 통해 자아를 인식하고 내 안으로 나를 찾아 떠나는 여정입니다. 

매트 위에 서서 깊게 숨을 마시고 깊게 숨을 내 쉬어 보세요. 마음이 고요해지며 머리가 맑아집니다.

꾸준한 요가 수련은 몸의 균형을 바르게 잡아주고 건강하고 아름다운 몸매로 가꾸어 주며 마음의 평화를 줍니다. 

Yoga is a journey to recognize oneself through training, meditation, and breathing and find myself inside me. Stand on the mat, breathe deeply, exhale deeply. My mind calms down and my mind clears. Steady yoga training balances your body, builds a healthy and beautiful body, and gives you peace of mind.

Pilates Stretches
Main: 소개


상담 및 등록을 원하신다면 예약 후 방문해 주시길 바랍니다. 

* Monday~ Friday _ 8:30 am~ 9:00 pm

(Break Time _ 12pm~4pm)

* Saturday_ 8:30 am ~ 12:00 pm

Main: 운영 시간
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